When working with subcontractors, it is important to ensure that they have insurance coverage. This helps protect your business from any liabilities that may arise from the subcontractor`s work. To ensure that your subcontractors have the required insurance, you may need to request a certificate of insurance from them. Here is a sample letter you can use to request a certificate of insurance from your subcontractors:

Dear [subcontractor`s name],

As part of our agreement to work together, we require that you provide proof of insurance coverage. This is to protect our business from any liabilities that may arise from your work. We kindly request that you provide us with a certificate of insurance that shows your current insurance coverage.

The certificate of insurance must show the following:

– Your company name and address

– The policy number and effective dates of the insurance coverage

– The type of insurance coverage you have, including liability and workers` compensation coverage

– The limits of your coverage

Please send the certificate of insurance to us by [insert date]. If you have any questions about the insurance requirements or the certificate of insurance, please don`t hesitate to contact us.

We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and look forward to working with you.


[Your name and company]

When requesting a certificate of insurance from subcontractors, it is important to be specific about the information you require. The certificate of insurance should provide you with proof that the subcontractor has the necessary insurance coverage, including liability and workers` compensation coverage. By requesting a certificate of insurance, you can ensure that your business is protected from any liabilities that may arise from the subcontractor`s work.