Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental aspect of grammar that students must master before advancing to higher levels of English proficiency. As a grade 10 student, it is essential to understand the rules of subject-verb agreement to enable you to communicate effectively in writing.

To test your knowledge of subject-verb agreement, we have prepared a quiz that covers the essential elements you need to know. The quiz assesses your understanding of subject-verb agreement by asking you to identify correct sentences and correcting sentences with grammatical errors.

Before attempting the quiz, let us recap what subject-verb agreement entails. In a sentence, the subject and the verb must agree in number. If the subject is singular, the verb must be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb must be plural. The following are some examples of subject-verb agreement:

– The cat chases the mouse. (singular subject and verb)

– The cats chase the mice. (plural subject and verb)

In the first example, “cat” is the singular subject, and “chases” is the singular verb. The second example has a plural subject, “cats,” and a plural verb, “chase.” Both sentences have correct subject-verb agreement.

Now, let us move on to the quiz. Instructions are simple: read each sentence carefully and decide whether the subject and verb agree in number. If the sentence has an error, correct it by choosing the appropriate verb form.

1. The group of friends (is/are) going to the movies.

2. Either Jack or Jill (has/have) the key to the door.

3. The cat and the dog (chases/chase) each other around the yard.

4. All of the students (has/have) their textbooks.

5. The committee (meet/meets) once a week to discuss issues.

6. The news (is/are) reporting on the latest events.

7. Neither the teacher nor the students (is/are) ready for the test.

8. The pair of shoes (fits/fit) perfectly.

9. Twenty dollars (is/are) too much for a cup of coffee.

10. My sister, along with her friends, (enjoys/enjoy) playing soccer.

After taking the quiz, review your answers to see how you performed. If you made any mistakes, take note of them and try to understand why the subject and verb do not agree. By practicing subject-verb agreement, you will eventually master it.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of English grammar that students must learn early on. By taking a quiz, you can assess your understanding of this concept and identify areas where you need to improve. Keep practicing, and soon enough, you will become proficient in subject-verb agreement.