Looking for a seven-letter word for international agreement? Look no further than the word “treaty.”

A treaty is a formal agreement between two or more sovereign states, often with the goal of promoting peace, trade, or other common interests. Treaties can cover a wide range of topics, from arms control to environmental protection to human rights.

One of the most well-known treaties in history is the Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War I and imposed harsh penalties on Germany. Other famous treaties include the Treaty of Westphalia, which ended the Thirty Years` War in Europe, and the Kyoto Protocol, which aimed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Treaties can be bilateral, meaning they involve only two countries, or multilateral, involving multiple countries. The United Nations is an example of a multilateral treaty organization, with member countries agreeing to abide by a set of principles and laws.

Treaties are often negotiated and signed by diplomats, and must be ratified by the participating countries before they come into effect. Once in force, treaties are considered binding legal agreements that must be honored by all parties.

So if you`re looking for a seven-letter word for international agreement that carries weight and significance, look no further than the word “treaty.”